Nhu, 20, "First time in a pool!"
I met Nhu three years ago in my ESL (English as a Second Language) classroom at Hoover High School. She had just moved to the U.S. with her family from Vietnam. Right away, we connected when we found out we shared the same birthday. Nhu's written English was incredible- her grammar was perfect :) But she didn't speak the language or understand me at all.

Sandy, 68, "A dream come true"
I had polio as a child. I fully recovered, but it took a couple of years. When other kids were learning to swim, I was too weak to participate.

Jerry, 39, "Drowning has no prejudice"
This is one of the many things about drowning that scares me: Drowning has no prejudice. The water doesn't care if you are young, old, athletic, lazy, thin, fat, black, white, rich, poor, gay, straight, smart, successful or popular.

Wonderstruck Photography
Kehaulani of Wonderstruck Photography took some wonderful photos of Resa