Africa Outreach
In October 2017, generous donations funded Kim Shults to attend a Water Safety Outreach in Uganda, Africa. The 10 day pilot project was held in the islands of Ssesse Kalangala on Lake Victoria.The experience was extraordinary. In a short time, she worked with 5 other swimming and water safety specialists to change the mindset of an island community from fearing water to respecting it. She empowered individuals of all ages and started a program that has great potential for positive, ongoing, long-term results.
In the end, basic swimming and water safety skills were taught to 121 adults and 309 children. Within that group, about 60 adults received learn-to-swim theory and curriculum training to continue teaching others in their communities and 20 went through rigorous lifeguard, rescue and CPR skills training. Since the outreach, many of the participants have created their own programs and are passing on the knowledge they have learned. They are staying in touch with the trainers to report their progress and success.