Update on Resa! Mother and Son bonding :)
I don't know which one of us had more fun; we all found so much joy while interacting with so few words. What an incredible experience- watching mother and son using the water as a medium to foster their relationship. Life is good.

Resa, 51, "Family Fun for a Very Special Family"
I met Resa a couple years ago when she brought her son, Jack (now 12), to me for a swim lesson. I spent the better part of that half hour working on desensitizing him and just trying to get him into the pool. Jack has autism, is non-verbal and is a member of a very special family. I'm always amazed at the ripple effect of autism on families.

Update on Karina
She was adamant about learning to swim properly since her daughter, Alexis, loves to swim and her husband is ‘a fish.’ Well, I just received this picture and email from her..

Brenda, 41, "Learn how to swim and pass it on to your kids"
Brenda pushed herself- she was adement about conquering her fear. Her two kids were there as well, which was an added push- she wanted to do it for them as well as for herself. As she began to successfully navigate the deep end, first with fins, then without, I could see her confidence building with the huge smile on her face.

Emma, 3, "Cutting the apron strings"
Emma was doing well, but I noticed she would cling to mom and wasn't progressing as quickly as I knew she could. This is really common- a child fussing to mom when they don't want to do something. Emma's mom is awesome and was open to whatever was best for Emma.